Positive Identity +VIBES = Positive MindSet for Success      +Attitude & Success Identity

Having & achieving what it is you desire in mind…

Going First Mindfirst with Positive Intention, Beliefs, Expectancy & great Resource States, Strategies, Skills (+RSn) – Leads to the Sequences of Success & Enhanced Human Excellence & Performance.

Putting all this together with (& for) the client (& yourself) through:

  • Design Neuro-Associative Inquiry (DN-Ai)
  • Identity-Engineering™ & Identity-Spinning™
  • NeuroCoaching™
  • iVIBES™ Modeling &…
  • Neurocise®… to exercise, stretch & train your brain & body to behave & perform as desired & required to succeed

Pre-conditioning your Brain-Body-Being-Behavior for Optimum Performance!

It is that simple. You go there in your mind first & you have that, the set & setup of elements of excellence, to exceed your expectations beyond your dreams.

AND then you have Psygiene, living your life as you will that is “psygienic”.

Cleanly & clearly focused on the form that is required to facilitate function…

You have & use the ability to think cleanly & clearly & to focus your energy on how to produce desired results, what it is that you do want (not what you don’t want).

You realize that you are in control of what you do in mind & that you direct your mind with more skill, that You are the mapmaker – that you are the Identity-Coach – your own, personal Identity-Engineer.

What is psygienic for you is unique to you & relates to your unique environment, situation, energy, experiences, etc. – personally & professionally. It relates to your expertise (what you know & how you use it) & what you are willing to do with what you know in the situations & issues that you encounter or address, face & learn from, deal with in your life.

And of course, it’s challenging because there’s lots of detail required to succeed optimally & maximally, a need to define & refine what you are thinking & feeling & doing in the moment, sometimes instantaneously & simultaneously in that you are getting the experience of the situation or issue as your dealing with it. Of course, it is rewarding as well because you are involved, participating & evolving – moving towards improving & optimizing all along the way.

How about that?!

Elvis Lester